A educational audio experience that brings the fascinating world of ancient Rome to life.
Age Recommendation: 7
Running Time: Approx 61 minutes
Magnetic, hand-painted.
Tonies Histories - Rotten Romans is an engaging and educational audio experience that brings the fascinating world of ancient Rome to life. With a perfect blend of humor and historical accuracy, this Tonie tells the story of the Roman Empire and its various quirks, scandals, and legendary figures.
List of titles:
01 - A Rome With a View
02 - Roman all over the Place
03 - Sinister Superstitions
04 - Cheerless for Chickens
05 - Rotten Republic
06 - The Barmy Roman Army
07 - Gory Gaul
08 - Evil Emperors
09 - Gruesome Gods
10 - Deadly Doctoring
11 - Gruesome Gladiators